Madison College
2024 Career Fair
Thank you to Madison College’s IT Services Department for having us at the Fall 2024 Career Fair. Below we have some additional resources and easy ways for you to get in touch with us or schedule a Zoom to talk more in depth.
Connect With Vanessa On LinkedIn
I would love to stay connected and continue our conversation. Feel free to reach out if you have any questions or thoughts to share. I look forward to connecting!
Our Process Video
NaviCu’s proven proprietary NaviCu p2s Platform allows us to learn about business problems and to create and develop unique solutions that fit the needs of our clients. We take workplace inefficiencies causing process workarounds, employee frustration, and lost revenue and create the solution to more efficient and effective workplaces. Vanessa discusses our process in this short video.
Let’s Talk More
If you would like to talk more about NaviCu and what we do, please schedule an online 30-minute meeting using our Calendly link below.